Security Council Resolution No. 1988 (2011) concerning Taliban and Associated Individuals and Entities


After the death of Osama bin Laden Resolution No. 1988 (2011) on the Taliban and associated individuals and entities was issued, whereby it separated it Taliban and associated individuals and entities from al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities in resolutions No. 1267 (1999) and No. 1989 (2011) and formed the  sanctions committee of established pursuant to resolution 1988 (2011). The resolution sets out the procedures to be followed by countries regarding listing and delisting individuals and entities from the sanctions list of resolution No. 1988 (2011), which includes individuals and entities related to the Taliban, which was  transferred to this list  from the Consolidated List, so that every resolution has a  separate sanctions list.

Resolution 1988 (2011) requested countries to consult with  the Government of Afghanistan, the United Nations Special Mission to provide assistance to Afghanistan and the State of residence or nationality of the person or entity intended to be listed in the 1988 (2011) sanctions list.

The resolution also provided for the establishment of a "Focal Point Mechanism" to deal with the delisting of individuals and entities from the sanctions list, either by the listed individual or entity directly or through the Technical Committee, the resolution also requested the Ombudsperson to refer all delisting requests of individuals and entities associated with the Taliban that he has to the "Focal Point Mechanism” in line with the provisions of resolution No.1988 (2011).